top view of cargo tracks

Streamline the flow of materials and goods, minimize waste and optimize your operations across your entire supply chain.


Operations redefined

Services we offer

Time and motion studies
Workstation design
Operational visualization

We help optimize processes by analysing the time taken for specific tasks. By identifying inefficiencies, companies can streamline operations and reduce costs .

Ergonomics, layout, and equipment placement. An efficient workstation minimizes unnecessary movements, reduces fatigue, and enhances productivity

Operational visualization tools provide real-time insights into inventory levels, transportation routes, and demand patterns.

Operational process mapping
Operational layout survey

Through thorough onsite investigations, we map your existing operational processes and dependencies to highlight duplicate, wasteful, or processes variances between required/expected and actuals.

Our team of in-house engineers and designers will review any as-is drawings and layouts and identify any variances and changes between these drawings and the site survey performed.

Process development and optimisation

Through our operational reviews, analysis, and benchmarking, we either assist in optimizing your existing processes by introducing enhancements and instituting SOPs, or we develop lean processes to minimize waste and increase operational control and visibility.

Our operational process

01/ Operational Insight

Align on business strategy and map existing value chain.

Diving into the data and insights that drives the strategy.

Planning out the details of the project, equipement and budgets.

02/ Conceptual Design
03/ Detail Design
Trusted by industry leaders and fast-growing scale-ups

Relog is an integral partner of our work at FoodForward SA. While their professional services are offered pro bono because we are a NPO, their strategic advice, guidance, and design skills around warehousing infrastructure and design, supply chain, inventory flows etc. are remarkable, and have added immense value to our organisation’s operations across the country.

Immense value added to operations

Andy Du Plesis, Food Forward SA